So, I said “get married!”
If you are one of the lucky ones in an old-fashioned final salary pension scheme, I highly recommend you check the definition of spouse. Here's why...
Read More...If you are one of the lucky ones in an old-fashioned final salary pension scheme, I highly recommend you check the definition of spouse. Here's why...
Read More...Trekking in the Alps was one thing, the Sahara is going to pose quite different challenges! This time we're raising funds for St. Catherine's Hospice.
Read More...Based on a survey carried out in 2017 from the Human Mortality Database, the oldest age at which 50% of babies born in the UK in 2007 was predicted to be 103.
Read More...We are told ‘plan our finances for the future’, but for what purpose? Retirement - what is that? The future - what does that look like?
Read More...Did you know that UK pensioners get a worse deal than Colombians? Pensioners now get legal protection from cold callers. And, HMRC returns £38m to pensioners.
Read More...Do you discuss your finances with your nearest and dearest? In many families, having a frank discussion about wealth still remains a taboo.